About DaneTransit


The Dane Alliance for Rational Transportation (DART) believes it should be easier for everyone in Dane County to get where they need to go without having to drive. That’s why DART is sponsoring the Dane Transit Coalition (or DaneTransit, for short) as an online community of area residents interested in improving and expanding public transit in greater Madison and Dane County.

Join the DaneTransit Facebook Group, follow DaneTransit on Facebook and/or Twitter, or subscribe to this site and its associated email list to stay up to date and engaged with efforts to improve Madison-area transit. All we ask of Facebook Group members or website subscribers is that they agree to be counted* as supporters of great regional transit based on DaneTransit’s core principles.

DaneTransit is a volunteer effort not affiliated with any public agency or commercial entity. Beyond a general commitment to transit that’s rapid, regional, reliably funded, and responsive to rider needs, and to robust debate about how best to establish such a transit system, DaneTransit does not lobby for particular initiatives or engage in partisan political activity. Our main mission is to provide participants with information and tools to be effective transit advocates in their communities.

We invite you to add your name to our list and your voice to our conversation. It’s easy to subscribe using our online form.

Interested in transportation issues beyond transit? Then consider joining DaneTransit’s sponsoring organization, the Dane Alliance for Rational Transportation (DART) as it works to rethink our region’s reliance on and relationship with the automobile. Just complete the separate DART membership form.

Welcome aboard!


*While DaneTransit will not name individual supporters/subscribers, we may publicize the total number of subscribers as one indicator of local support for transit.


Map at top right courtesy Greater Madison Metropolitan Planning Organization