DaneTransit’s core principles

The Dane Transit Coalition (a.k.a. DaneTransit) is an online community of Madison-area residents who support more and better transit (while debating the details), and who believe such transit should be:


DaneTransit supports the Madison Metro Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project and the related Metro Transit network redesign, while acknowledging the implementation challenges those initiatives pose and the need for continuing citizen engagement with both. It also supports continued exploration of rail transit, both in the form of light and/or commuter rail for the Madison metro region and of fast, frequent passenger train service between our region and other metro areas. All these efforts should complement and reinforce continuous improvement in basic transit service for those who depend on it most.


DaneTransit supports the expansion of transit service to communities beyond Madison, both to connect those communities with Dane County’s urban core and to offer transit connections within those communities. It encourages those communities to partner with Madison Metro Transit or other providers for that purpose. DaneTransit also supports creation of some form of Regional Transit Authority, through the combination of state enabling legislation and legislation by the relevant local and regional jurisdictions.

Reliably funded


DaneTransit supports increased federal and state funding for transit as well as the establishment of a dedicated local or regional funding source to help support a regional transit system and the work of a Regional Transit Authority. Such a dedicated funding source, to be used exclusively to support the provision and administration of transit service, may include a local or regional sales tax.

Responsive to rider needs


Great transit should serve everyone, but should especially serve those who need it most. This includes people who don’t own or have access to a reliable car as well as those who, for whatever reason, can’t or shouldn’t drive. Improving transit to attract new riders should not occur at the expense of those who already rely on it, and plans to expand transit service should attend particularly to those who currently lack good transit access and for whom car-free transportation is not just an option but a necessity.


Agree with us? Want to discuss further? Subscribe to DaneTransit